Monday, June 25, 2012

Yard Sale Finds 2

My husband has been wanting a commercial type popcorn machine for years. We finally found one while yard selling this weekend. He bought it for $8. The only catch is that it has to be cleaned. (I mean deep cleaned.) It is really gross, but he is willing to take on the project.

He is so excited that he has already started taking it apart and is getting ready to give it a bath. Make sure to check back and see how his project turns out.

Great Camera Giveaway- Nikon D3100 DSLR CAMERA

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roasted Red Potatoes and Green Beans

This recipe is super easy and takes very little prep!

  Set your oven to 400 Degrees.

  All you have to do is prepare the green beans and cut the red potatoes into bite size pieces. (The smaller the piece the quicker it will cook.)  Coat the green beans and potatoes with extra virgin olive oil then salt and pepper to taste.

  Place the potatoes and beans on a sheet pan in an even layer and cook for about 20 minutes. Make sure your pan has sides or the olive oil could get all over your oven.

   If you would like the potatoes and beans to brown a little you may want to broil them for a few minutes. (Remember to keep a close eye on them, they can go from browned to burnt very quickly.)

  They are done! This method works for a lot of different vegetables, I cook asparagus, broccoli, squash, and Brussels sprouts this way.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Quick Tip

Have you ever tried to empty a votive from a candle holder or empty candle wax from a candle warmer?

Here is a quick tip. Put the glass in the freezer for about 10 minutes. 

Pop the glass on the counter or table, and the candle wax will slide right out.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Organizing a Medicine Cabinet

  Okay, I can't believe that I am going to share this picture. I am sure that a lot of people have a hard time organizing. So I thought I would share my organization journey, on a budget.

  Did you know you shouldn't store medicine in a bathroom? So I picked a smaller cabinet in the kitchen, and I have been using it for a few years.

   Everything was working fine. Until yesterday I couldn't find my son's allergy medicine. And we had just used it the day before. So, I thought, enough is enough I am going to get the small spaces in my house organized. And I am going to start with the Medicine Cabinet.  (By the way, I still haven't found the medicine.)

   I bought some plastic baskets from the dollar store a while ago. I think they came in packs of 2 and 3. Not bad for a buck! I had the extras stored for some future use after organizing my junk drawer.

  So first I emptied the medicine cabinet by categorizing the items in different groups. I separated into trash, needs a new home, Adult, Dog, and Children's medicines. I made sure to check all of the expiration dates.

Make sure to dispose of the medicines properly. Here are some tips: Never Flush, Mix with coffee grounds or kitty litter. You may also want to scratch out identifying info on prescription medicine.

  Next, I put them in the correct baskets and labeled the baskets. I made sure to put the medicines that we use daily in the front of the basket so they would be easy to reach.

   Then I put the baskets back into the cabinet and I was done!!! I thought the process was going to take a lot longer but 20 minutes later I was finished! And I have way more room in my cabinet now!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fruit Dip Recipe

This fruit dip recipe is super simple. It is great to add to a fruit tray or just for dipping. Especially for those who don't want to eat their fruit.

1- 8 oz. block of cream cheese
1- 7.5 oz. jar of marshmallow fluff

Let the cream cheese set at room temperature. Once the cream cheese has softened mix with the marshmallow fluff using an electric mixer. (I have found that if an electric mixer isn't used, the dip will end up lumpy and will separate.) Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Then serve.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Yard Sale Finds

   One thing you will learn about me is that I love to yard sale. (Yes, I used it as a verb.) I don't just go out a buy whatever is a good deal. You will end up with a bunch of things that you don't need, that you will be selling at your next yard sale or donating it a couple of months down the road.

    I make a list of things I am looking for: Right now I am looking for lamps, things I can redo or repurpose for around the house, anything to help with organization, and a dresser. I have to admit I do run into things that I didn't think I wanted or needed but it catches my eye. And it will usually make its way home with me.